ohwell. buzz of gordon freeman. seriously. you know you did hundrrreddd time better. haha. MIT physics damn good already lah. HEV suit can fit alyx inside damn hod guy lah. haha. lol. but sorry for erm, lying to you on thursday. wasnt in the mood to tell you. i still havent gotten over it and i probably wont for quite awhile. hee.
see. i cant help but feel jealous at some people. not you gordon freeman or should i say gordon vivek. grr.
oh yea. post mortem? haha. heck. only thing abit wasted was econs but hey! got the hols to work through. then maybe next year i'll be the econs pope! just like how sherlock was the physics pope. the folks at home are harping (in a rather mocking way on the big D but at least i passed. :D
so on the schedule now is dark crusade. and lotsa shopping for clothes? haha. saw some nifty stuff at far east when i went out after a movie. damn funny.
me: eh. look at that shop name. "depression." damn emo arh. lets go see.
J: set arh!
but seriously, that shop was quite cool. the design i mean. i saw a rather nice shirt i would've liked to buy. and i saw a shirt with a "pig head" (the literal meaning. i pig's head) sandwich printed on in. haha. i wonder what would happen if i wore it and showed my dad. haha. but TheVarnus saw a guy wearing a cool Azrael shirt on the street. omg larh. i wish i had seen it. i wish i had one myself.
i have been a rather naughty person in the past couple of days to say the least. got guilt written all over my face and now i think its going to catch up with me on monday. hopefully i'll have some sort of deliverance eh? prevent me from getting destroyed by a few people.
B: you changed alot eh you.
sorry lah. cant help it. but i really really really hope i'll escape everything on monday. and hopefully, as icing on the cake, my tutors will have nice things to say about me on ptm. haha. its not as if i've been such a bad boy? haha. lol. the irony is so funny.
random stuff before i go off.
pariah: death has come for you at last.
governor lukas: the necrons are here men! drive them back to thier tombs!
pariah: it is your men that go to thier tombs, governor.
governor lukas: comissar! come in!
pariah: we have purged your bootlick governor, you will be next.
governor lukas: damn you monster!
pariah: the Nightbringer has come for you Governor
governor lukas: hold the line men! push these monsters back to the hell they crawled out of!
pariah: so much fear. so much noise.
man. i love those cutscene dialogues.

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